Part of the Congregation
Enroll as an Active Member ~ for growth in one’s personal relationship with the Divine Spouse Who calls and invites us for this closer union of mind and soul that will, by His will and our cooperation, end in eternal bliss in Heaven. Our world as we see and know it today appear not to be heading in the right direction. However one major fact we know is that our salvation is at stake. The battle line is drawn; either we are for God or against Him, there is no mid-course. Either for God or for the Devil. Take your pick: choice is yours and final. Presumption is a big risk to take for this one soul you and I have. This is the truth of our earthly existence.
St Katharine Drexel said: “Time is the journey, eternity is the country. Let us not put off thinking of eternity till time shall be no more. No thought, no word of ours ever dies. We shall meet them all again in eternity.”