

Eucharistic Army was founded in 2020 by Rev. Fr. Onyeabor, Ukachukwu S.A following his 70th birthday. 

This Apostolate is about giving the Highest Honour, Glory, Adoration, Praise and Reverence to Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament ~ The Sacrament of God’s Love. The dedication, determination and resolve of the members of this Apostolate to carry out the above devotion/obligation, calls for a total and unreserved Commitment. God in Christ has given us ALL; we in turn ought to
give God our All. This Apostolate has a very special love and devotion to the Faithful departed ~ the Holy Souls in Purgatory. It will encourage “Cemetery Sundays, once a month and
all Sundays in November.



To Grow Into God Within the Church, through The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. To Explore, Increase and Spread Our Love and Devotion of
this Salutary Sacrament to All. “To Become What We Eat and Drink”- Jesus. Transformed by Him.


We are ALL, God’s children: called and chosen for eternal life with Him, Our Blessed Mother Mary and His Saints. This free call and choice of us by God has to be worked out in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12).  Jesus, Our Saviour did something: He taught, suffered and died; we have “to do” something to be saved.
