Recommended Daily Prayer For Members of the Eucharistic Army



“Chukwu m, ekwerem, esekpuorom Gi, echebuberem na Gi, ahurum Gi n’anya.

Ario m Gi mgbaghara maka ndi na-ekweghi, ndi juru isekpuru Gi, ndi na-echekwubeghi

na Gi, na ndi na-ahughi Gi n’anya”. (Ugboro ato)


“Ito n’ime otu di Ngozi, dikasiri n’aso Nna, na Nwa, na Muo Nso, e sekpuoro m Gi  ofuma,

ehunyeru m Gi Ahu dikasiri oke onu, Obara na Mkpuruobi, na I bu Chukwu nke Dinwenu anyi Jesu Kristi, no nime “Tabernacle” nile di n’uwa: I ji medaa Gi obi, mee mmezi maka mkpasu iwe nile, imeto ihe di aso nile, na-enweghi aguu nke esi na ya akpasu Gi iwe, ma site n’ebere na-enweghi atu nke Obi Ya dikasiri Nso, na site n’aririo nke Obi Maria na ebughi atutu njo, a rio m Gi ebere maka ntogha ndi njo nile” Amen.

Conclusion: O Sakramenti Dikasiri n’Aso, O Sakramenti bu Chukwu n’Onwe Ya, Otitio n’Inye ekele nile buru nke Gi, ebebe, ebebe. Amen (Ugboro ato)


“My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love Thee!!!

I ask pardon for all those who do not believe,

do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.” (3 times)    


“Most Blessed and Holy Trinity + Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I profoundly adore Thee.

I offer Thee the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ present in all the Tabernacles of the world, in order to appease Thee, in reparation for all the insults, sacrileges and lack of desire for holy things by which You are offended, that through the depth of His Most Sacred Heart  and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask mercy and conversion for all sinners.  Amen. Conclusion: O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All Praise and all Thanksgiving, be every moment Thine (3 times)

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