Please click on the link below for Mass & Prayer Request. Stipend for Mass requests only. If you wish to give thanks for benefits received for prayers said, share your story on the website, with the Apostolate but feel free to have your Thanksgiving Mass at your place of choice – your Parish Community or with the members of the Apostolate at the Divine Mercy Chapel of the Holy Family.

This a sacred moment an individual soul comes before the Blessed Sacrament to spend Quality Time with his/her Divine Spouse present in the Holy Eucharistic, a time of silence and reflection ~ meditating on Sacred Scriptures or works of Saints. For instance, after reading a scripture text, you could say: “Lord, what do You want me to do/learn from this passage…?” OR,
“Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening” Absolute silence is encouraged: avoid all electronics. A Sacred and precious time with God, to improve personal intimacy ~ a foretaste of the Heavenly reality. Communion Of Reparation: When our centre is in full function, this Vital part of the Apostolate will begin, by Groups in closer proximity attending the All Night Vigil of Communion of Reparation between the 1st Friday and 1st Saturday of every month (with Confessions, Mass & All night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) and closing with Mass of the 1st Saturday. Members in designated Groups will take part on behalf of ALL members.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the salutary Sacrament,
where a soul comes to accuse self of sins committed, faults, misdeeds. Things we feel guilty of, by word or omission, that infringed our relationship with God and/or our neighbour. You may call it “a time for spiritual diaper change”. Better a lively
than a dead conscience; better be scrupulous than unscrupulous. We have nothing to lose but everything to gain from this Sacrament. Pride and lack of faith in God’s mercy may cause our neglect of this salutary/vital sacrament. God’s infinite Mercy
gave us this Sacrament. Monthly confessions are encouraged.
For Confessions (Text to: 402-968-1280 to schedule an appointment), incidentally this will be at the Priest’s convenience. Depending on his work schedule, a general fixed day and time for Confessions will be published on the website.

For the Eucharistic Army, we have prayers for different occasions and intentions. For instance, as Catholics who have adopted all the Priests as our Special Spiritual Brothers, we have special love and prayers for them as the Ministers of the Holy Eucharist. So with other intentions. We also share songs pertinent to our Apostolate.

The purpose of the Eucharistic Army is to bring together like-minded Christians who feel
called, chosen and committed to love and devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament;
persons {Roman Catholics and non-Catholics (willing to explore, love and be devoted to
this Sacrament of God’s love to Humanity)} THE SACRAMENT OF LIFE AND
UNITY WITH THE TRINITY – HEAVEN. At a time we are so distracted by noise and
the media, we need to come much closer to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, where we have
nothing to lose but EVERYTHING to gain.
The Eucharistic Army was founded by a Roman Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr Onyeabor,
Ukachukwu Sebastian Azubuike. He felt inspired by God to found this Apostolate, after
his “Milestone” 70th Birthday on November 14, 2020 as his gift to fellow Christians to
come to love and appreciate the Great gift from God Who has promised to remain with us
till the end of the world, Who invites us daily for greater intimate relationship that will
culminate in our eternal dwelling with Him in heaven, with Our Blessed Mother Mary
and all the Saints.
The Eucharistic Army was formed in Yeadon, PA, a suburb of the city of Philadelphia,
PA, following the Birthday of the founder, November, 2020.
As time goes on and ‘structures’ set up, more Services will be added. Presently, such as
Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration by Individuals and/or Families, Special Groups,
etc. Sunday evening Benediction with sung Vespers will be offered very soon.
For Confessions (Text to: 402-968-1280 to schedule an appointment), incidentally this
will be at the Priest’s convenience. Depending on his work schedule, a general fixed day
and time for Confessions will be published on the website.
Generally speaking, membership is open to ALL as God calls each and everyone of us to
this intimate relationship, even “unbelievers” are called. If you feel called and chosen,
then get committed: COME JOIN OUR FLIGHT TO HEAVEN.
None !!! unless ones’ unwillingness
The greatest support and donation to the Eucharistic Army is your love and appreciation
of the call, choice and commitment to the ideals of this Apostolate – Total self-giving to
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Living in the Divine Will, money and/or donations will
come freely in God’s time, when He feels they are needed. You will be inspired when to
give. A link for Donations will be on the website.
Certainly Yes, but the process is yet to be initiated.
On the website you will find the Link for Mass Request (with stipends) and Prayer
requests (without stipends) N.B. Prayers are offered for every member as represented by
the light on the Central [stained glass looking] candle on the Altar of Sacrifice in the
Divine Mercy Chapel of the Holy Family.