God’s choice of you and I, is to be holy unto Him. Nothing else. This is the summary of the answer to the Catechism question: Why did God create me?
- to know Him
- to love Him
- to serve Him well, here on earth
- to live with Him, forever in Heaven.
Simply put – we are created to be saints. Only Saints Go To Heaven. A few questions for each of us to conscientiously and deeply reflect on, will include, but not limited to: “how am I going about realizing this objective? Like any worker (craftsman) – do I have the necessary tools and equipments to go about this ‘project’? (A vital and Life-time Project, indeed). If not, how and where can I acquire them? Are there foreseeable obstacles on the way of laying the foundation of this ‘project’? When do I begin and how long will it take to achieve?
Following will be an attempt at answering some of these questions. I will honestly begin with the last part of the above questions – ‘when do I begin’ this project? NOW !!!. I have a feeling this project brooks of no delay. If asked, I will respond: “if not NOW, when”? Delay could be eternally dangerous; no idea how much time I have. Yes, I know the balance of my bank account, but no idea how much time I have: so I should get to work NOW. About how long it will take to achieve, God alone knows, but I have to be about doing His Will and living for Him, 24/7 (in our modern day expression). In answer to the other questions: I see myself as the major obstacle to the entire PROJECT – myself and the world around me. How much I allow the world, religious and secular, influence me, lead me to or away from God – the print, electronic and entertainment media, etc. My daily choices: does it bother me how much time I spend chatting on the phone, watching YouTube movies/documentaries, playing video games, watching sports, text messaging friends and acquaintances, meeting the needs of the less privileged, etc., as opposed to how much time I hang out with the Lord, inviting to me deep dialogue before the Blessed Sacrament?
We may have constant reminders, the words of the Apostles: first, the Prince of the Apostles, St Peter writing to the early Church: “Be holy in all you do, since it is the Holy One Who has called you, and scripture says: Be holy, for I am holy…” [1Pet. 1:15-16]. Later St Paul writing to the Ephesians: “…Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing that comes from heaven. For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” [Eph. 1: 3b-4]
Yes, God chose us in Christ Jesus, Our Lord, to be holy and blameless in His sight. It is up to us to respond positively to God’s choice of us and consequently do our part in achieving this holiness of life. As in most aspects of life, this too will take its toll on us.