Holy Communion In The Hand


It has been said several times by many devout souls and mystics that Holy Communion in the hand is offending to the Lord Jesus. Many others will argue endlessly, even highly respected Theologians. The one truth today is: many of the Adult Roman Catholics do not believe the Real Presence of Jesus – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Holy Eucharist [pew survey]. Bishops and Priests are not exempt in this anomaly. Some of the Clergy believe this is a symbolic meal and like Protestants, do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. No wonder the levity with which this Sacrament of God’s LOVE and MERCY is treated. This treatment and lack of belief gladdens the Devil, who from all eternity was opposed to God’s eternal idea of the Word taking human flesh to save mankind, minister to the people of God, die and rise again for their salvation.  The Devil hates that idea totally and thereafter went after the Priests, who are a continuation of the spread of everything Jesus Christ and the Holy Eucharist. Via the infiltration into the Church, the enrolment of intelligent young men with anti-Christ and Communist ideologies, into our Seminaries and Institutions for the training of future Priests, the Devil got into the Church with the aim of destroying it from within. For one thing, Our Blessed Mother Mary, will not allow any of Her children to fall prey to the Devil’s machinations, if only we go to Her with complete loyalty and trust. She is the one who will tell us: “whatever He tells you, do…”   She will teach us to live and do ONLY God’s Holy Will, always.

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